Sunday, November 1, 2009

toothpick দিয়ে কি শুধু দাঁত খোঁচায়???

লোকটির নাম Stan Munro, বয়স ৩৮ বছর। তিনি কাজ করেন Museum of Science and Technology in Syracuse, New York (USA)-এ। তারই অসাধারণ সৃষ্টি এই toothpick city, যা তৈরী করতে তার ব্যয় হয়েছে ৬ বছর।

Toothpick city-এর প্রতিটি স্হাপনা তৈরী করতে Stan Munro এর সময় লেগেছে ৬ মাস। আর তার প্রতিটি স্হাপনার পরিমাপ ১.১৬৪ স্কেল। পুরো Toothpick city তে Toothpick ব্যবহার হয়েছে ৬ মিলিয়ন আর glue ব্যবহার হয়েছে ১৭০ লিটার।

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How can I improve English skill

Dusk settled coolly over the vineyards in Napa Valley, California, one fall evening. Through the window, I gazed wistfully at a thin stream of bittersweet chocolate sauce a waiter was ladling high over a raspberry-colored cake at the table of a hand-holding couple, inside the big stone restaurant operated by the Culinary Institute of America. I knew it was bittersweet chocolate because the rich smell was drifting through the French doors out onto the patio, where we were drinking a fine Cakebread cabernet next to two giggling toddlers, just as happily chewing red licorice twists from the local 7-11 store.

“See” the picture? Here’s the pity. As adults, we tend to lose our “picture-making” way of speaking. We forget to tell the story that tells the story. We’ve gradually forgotten how to speak English like it tastes good, even when we desperately want people to remember what we are saying. Our conversations often begin with sweeping generalizations. To further numb people, we talk about “work” by using longer sentences, full of jargon that even colleagues won’t remember the way they’d remember everyday language wrapped around an example.

Unlike most children under the age of 12 or so, we adults offer qualifiers and chronology before we finally get to the delicious details that are most involving, credible, and evocative. By then, even well-intentioned listeners have taken several mental vacations. Think of the speeches, advertisements, and conversations you most remember. Didn’t the words evokesome visual experience?

Let ideas roll around in your mouth like a good merlot. The specific detail proves the general conclusion. It’s also more credible and memorable. The generality fades quickly. For several years, many ad campaigns featured a group photo of “diverse” people, with some variation of this headline: “We Are the People Who Care.” Banks, insurance companies, hospitals, and other large institutions thus offered a generality that perpetuated their impersonal image instead of promising some specific service, guarantee, or customer story that proved how they were better than the competition.

Avoid gray generalities. Speak in Technicolor. Say less, better. Make your most important truths well-told — how you describe those who matter most to you, or your job, product, program, cause, or idea. Ironically, because you are so close to these topics, and care and know so much about them, you are most likely to speak generally about them than you do about a recent, negative incident you’ve experienced. And, as Adlai Stevenson once said, “When you throw mud, you get dirty.”

Whoever most vividly characterizes a situation or person usually determines how others see it, discuss it, and decide on it. If your description is more interesting than another’s, even if that person has more money, smarts, or power to push his message, others are more likely to recall and repeat yours. Even those who disagree are likely to use your description as they talk about their disagreement. Think how influential you are when you thus speak English like it tastes good.

Become more memorable by saying it better next time in one or more of these specific ways:

* Before you speak, reverse the sequence of what you instinctively say, putting the example before the conclusion. Give the specific story, detail, vivid contrast, or client’s situation and how you solved it or an unexpected twist of detail that pulls listeners in.

* Speak or write to evoke a smile, or at least a pause. Evocative words deepen the listener’s memory and feeling for what you say. Such words can be heartwarming, quirky, poignant, humorous, inspiring, startling, and more.

Heart-warming: Isn’t “Doggie Care” a more emotional name for a dog-washing and kennel service than, say, “Canine Care”?

Quirky: My second book dedication was “To Thelton, without whose companionship this book would have been completed much earlier, but life wouldn’t have been nearly as sweet.”

Poignant: The first words of an inexpensive but highly successful radio public service announcement began with a man saying: “One in three women who are murdered in this state (pause) are murdered by their husbands.” He ended the two-sentence PSA with, “If you even think there’s a slight possibility that someone you know’s life is in danger, do what I didn’t do for my sister. Call this number . . .”

Humorous: My friend Paul Geffner’s chicken take-out restaurant in San Francisco was called “Poultry in Motion.” Montana cowboy friend Hank D. modestly accepted an award for heroism by saying simply, “The sun don’t shine on the same dog all the time. Thanks for this sunshine.”

* Use words from the real world. Which was easier to remember the first time you heard these company names: “Intel” or “Apple”?

* Use a metaphor from the common cultural experience of the people with whom you are talking. For example, columnist Albert Hunt wrote recently, when describing the winners and losers in Congress’s impeachment debate: “A man who touches more bases than the New York Yankees, Tom Daschle now has the solid support and confidence of the other forty-four Senate Democrats.”

Use these four techniques to get people to remember what you say, even when they did not try to:

1. Imagine that the brain is like a wall with clothes hooks on it. For the brain to catch and retain a detail, that detail must hang on one of the memory-inducing hooks that is already in the brain. The biggest hooks are the three universal and core life experiences: 1) family, 2) hometown or town where you have lived or are living, and 3) past or current kind of work. For family, relate what you’re saying to a family situation: yours, theirs, someone else’s, or even a metaphorical family of services. Or relate your topic to the listener’s work situation or work with which she is familiar. People also remember landmark places where they live, have lived, or have visited or well-known places. For example, our business is in Sausalito, which evokes pleasant by-the-bay memories for most who’ve visited here.

2. Motion makes memories. Whenever people are moving or see movement, they remember more and are more emotional about what they remember. Get customers in motion with you in a positive experience and they will be more fervent, vivid, and believing fans, more likely to evoke their bragging rights and likely to share their experience with others. That’s why we literally move to offer samples, getting people to reach out, so they feel the experience more deeply.

An experience is most memorable when you and the other person are both in motion, such as when you shake hands, walk together, or reach to exchange something. Pick those ripe moments to say the most vivid, specific detail you want the listener to remember and repeat to others. Times are next most memorable for the listener who is in motion even if you are not. Ask the person to reach or turn for something while you’re saying your tasty tidbit to remember. The next most memorable movement is when you are in motion, even if your listener is not. A final valuable way to evoke a memory is for you both to watch motion from something or someone else.

Warning: Movement is a two-edged sword — it is never neutral. The listener who experiences something negative where motion is involved will also remember the experience longer, and more intensely. As to a vibrating pole, we hold on sooner, longer, and more strongly to the negative incidents of life than to the positive, because the primitive triune part of our brain — wired to help us survive — causes us to respond to appearances of danger more strongly than to those of delight.

3. Speak first of the other person’s most current, pressing interest. Just as those in the market for new cars are most likely to hear car ads on the radio, all people listen sooner when you first speak about what is most on their mind at that moment. Sadly, in fewer than 5% of interactions when we want something from someone else do we first speak about what matters most to them. We are more likely to speak about our own interests first.

4. Speak in vivid, specific details that have a high emotional value for the listener.

The good news? If you practice speaking first about the other person’s interests, then about what you share in common, and only then about how that commonality relates to your interests, four amazingly powerful changes occur in how that other person relates to you. The person listens sooner, listens longer, remembers more, and assumes you have a higher IQ than if you first speak about your own interests. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- ~ Learn how to reduce or avoid arguments for just $10.95. Kare’s new book, Resolving Conflict Sooner, offers a powerfully simple four-step method, plus 100 specific persuasion techniques. Reserve a copy now at your bookstore. Or order one by sending a $12 check to “Kare Anderson” at our address below and we’ll include the “Clarity Cards” pack of 40 tips + inspirational sayings for free.

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Six Common Job-Interview Questions

One of the easiest ways to build confidence before a job interview is to prepare answers to questions you might be asked. Whether you're applying for a position as a web programmer, accountant, or legal secretary, interviewers often use some general questions to assess candidates, so you'll increase your chances for success if you prepare for them in advance.

Six common questions are listed below, along with insights from several recruitment professionals about how to answer. As part of your interview preparation, take the time to formulate answers to each question, focusing on specific tasks and accomplishments.

"What are your strengths and weaknesses?"

This is one of the most well-known interview questions, and interviewers often ask it indirectly, as in, "What did your most recent boss suggest as areas for improvement in your last performance review?"

Lindsay Olson, founder of Paradigm Staffing Solutions, a firm specializing in hiring public relations professionals, suggests tailoring your "strengths" answer to skills that will benefit the prospective employer. Though you may have a knack for building gingerbread houses, it might be of little value for the job at hand.

When it comes to weaknesses, or areas of growth, Olson recommends building on your answer to include "how you have improved, and specifics on what you have done to improve yourself in those areas."

"Why did you leave your last position?"

"Interviewers will always want to know your reasoning behind leaving a company ? particularly short stints," says Olson. "Be prepared to tell the truth, without speaking negatively about past employment."

"Can you describe a previous work situation in which you ... ?"

This question comes in many forms, but what the interviewer is looking for is your behavior on the job. Your answer could focus on resolving a crisis, overcoming a negotiation deadlock, handling a problem coworker, or juggling multiple tasks on a project.

The theory behind this type of question is that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, according to Yves Lermusi, CEO of Checkster, a company that offers career and talent checkup tools. "The key to responding well is preparing real job examples, describing your behavior in specific situations that demonstrate important skills that the job requires."

"What is your ideal work environment?"

This question is not about whether you prefer a cubicle or an office, so think broadly to include ideas about supervision, management styles, and your workday routine.

Bob Hancock, senior recruiter for video game publisher Electronic Arts, says that he uses this question with candidates because it can give "a sense of their work habits, how flexible they are with their schedules, and how creative they are."

"How do you handle mistakes?"

The best strategy for this general question is to focus on one or two specific examples in the past and, if possible, highlight resolutions or actions that might have relevance to the job you're interviewing for.

"Employers want to know they're hiring someone with the maturity to accept responsibility and the wherewithal to remedy their own mistakes," says Debra Davenport, a master professional mentor and columnist for the Business Journal in Phoenix.

"What is your most notable accomplishment?"

Paradigm Staffing's Olson suggests that candidates think of three or four accomplishments and quantify what their actions meant in terms of increasing revenues, saving resources, or improving resources.

"Being able to quantify your achievements in your career will launch you ahead of the rest," she says, "and demonstrate your ability to do the same as a future employee."

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Common Let's imagine a situation. You are watching a Bollywood pot-boiler, where the vile politician loots the people and instructs his lackey to deposit the money in his Swiss bank account so that no one can touch it.

In another movie, James Bond enters a Swiss bank and is frisked before he gains access to his account.

These are some of our notions of Swiss bank accounts, created by the media in our minds. However, do we truly know what Swiss bank accounts are and how they function? This article aims at shattering some myths surrounding Swiss bank accounts by answering some very basic questions.What are Swiss bank accounts?Swiss bank accounts, are just like any other bank account, albeit the heightened security through sophisticated security systems and absolute privacy offered by Swiss banks. All Swiss banks are regulated by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission and serve clients from all over the world.What kinds of customers are allowed to open a Swiss bank account?Just like a normal bank, almost any individual can open a Swiss bank account. Swiss bank accounts aren't just for millionaires, criminals or government officials trying to hide ill-gotten wealth, or celebrities protecting their assets from former spouses.They're available to anyone and average people, too, have Swiss bank accounts. People who live in countries with unstable governments and banks in particular often turn to Swiss banks because of their security and privacy.How does a Swiss Bank account work?A non-Swiss national must be at least 18 years of age to open an account in a Swiss bank. The application can be made by mail or in person. Usually, there is no minimum balance required to open a Swiss bank account.However, once the account holder starts making transactions, it becomes mandatory to maintain a minimum balance. This amount can differ from bank to bank and varies for different types of accounts.Account holders also have the facility to withdraw money in any currency. Switzerland's Anti-Money Laundering law requires a number of certified documents and a proof of income source. A Swiss bank account can be closed at any time without any restrictions or fee.What are the advantages of a Swiss bank account?Here are some of the advantages of Swiss bank accounts:Privacy - Swiss bank accounts offer privacy akin to doctor/patient confidentiality or client/attorney confidentiality.Swiss law forbids bankers to disclose the existence of your account or any other information about it without your consent (except in certain circumstances).Breach of confidentiality could result in bankers facing up to six months in prison and a fine of up to Swiss franc 50,000. And, you have the option of suing the bank for damages.Needless to say, Swiss banks are very careful about protecting your privacy. The only exceptions to the Swiss banking privacy rule are criminal activities such as drug trafficking, insider trading or organised crime.Low risk - Switzerland has had an extremely stable economy and infrastructure for many years and hasn't been at war with another country since 1505.Higher returns - Swiss bankers are also highly trained in investing and know how to grow your money. Swiss bank accounts pay higher yields than other money market accounts.There is more to Swiss Bank accounts and this can be understood by studying the history of Swiss banking which is one of the oldest banking establishments going as far back as 1713.

Friday, September 4, 2009

  • Electrical engineering is concerned with electrical devices, circuits and systems. Traditionally, electrical engineers have specialized in areas such as power generation and transmission, electrical machinery, electronics, communication, control and circuit design. In the past several decades, this field has expanded considerably with the development of the transistor, integrated circuits and microelectronics, the laser and the digital computer. Many electrical engineers now work in new areas such as quantum electronics (microelectronics), quantum optics (lasers) and computer engineering

  • Starting salaries for engineers with bachelor’s degrees are significantly higher than starting salaries for bachelor’s degrees in other fields. Companies will need employees with engineering knowledge to help them increase productivity and optimise their manufacturing processes, thus creating many fruitful opportunities for engineering graduates – still more will be needed to build and improve new roads, bridges, water and pollution control systems and other public facilities.

  • UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) recently released figures that prove that engineering graduates are amongst those who are more likely to start their careers on higher salaries - earning £18 000 pa six months after graduation in comparison to the median of £15 000 pa of all other students. Additionally the report emphasises that engineering students rank amongst those more likely to find permanent employment on leaving university at 83 % in contrast to 64 % for all graduates.
  • Did you know that engineers save more lives than doctors in the early stages of drought and earthquake disasters, by reconnecting water supplies, thus avoiding the spread of disease? And had you ever wondered who creates and who maintains the technology which doctors use to save lives in our hospitals every day of the year?

  • Career Opportunities In Electrical Engineering
    Electrical engineers can find work wherever there are electrical systems that need development, testing or maintenance. This means that electrical engineers are needed wherever anything that has an electric motor is manufactured and wherever electrical wiring is required: automobile plants, aircraft manufacturing, navigation systems companies, power companies and construction companies.

  • Earning Potential For Electrical Engineering Careers
    Electrical engineers are among the highest paid of the engineering disciplines. The median salary for an electrical engineer in 2006 was $75,930 and some electrical engineers made over $115,000. Electronics engineers, who focus on the workings of specific electronic devices, enjoyed a median income of $81,500 and a top salary of nearly $120,000

  • Master of Engineering In Electrical Engineering
    Master of Engineering degrees in electrical engineering similarly qualify candidates for most electrical engineering positions. Those pursuing this degree may design a program with a focus on a specific electrical engineering concentration such as communication, control and signal processing, devices, systems and circuits, electrodynamics or bioelectrical engineering.
  • electrical engineers apply the theories and principals of science and mathematics to research and develop economical solutions to technical problems

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The New Benz - Very Different.... Really Different...

This is the new Mercedes Benz SCL600

This car is really different

That's not what is different about it

.....and now for the 'really different' part:

Here is what is different. No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. No pedals either. Can you drive with a joystick? Your kids and grandkids probably can. The influence of video games in our lives has really arrived, wouldn't ya say?